No Bake Weet-Bix Slice

No Bake Weet-Bix slice recipe by Starting Solids Australia

A good brekky or snack option, this weetbix slice is no bake (yay!) and super easy to toss together. It is suitable from around 9-10 months as the texture is soft but a little chewy. As always be guided by your little one, as some will have no trouble with this is texture earlier and others a little later.

Age Recommendation - from around 9-10 months.

No Bake Weet-Bix Slice

What you’ll need:

  • 4 weetbix 
  • 1 cup of cashews 
  • 1.5 x cups of frozen mixed berries 
  • ½ cup of desiccated coconut 
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon 
  • 1 tsp vanilla 
  • 2 tsb hemp seeds


What to do:

  • To elevate the flavour in this slice, toast the coconut and the cashew first, either in the oven on a tray or on the stove top in a pan. Be mindful to stir them often so they don’t burn. This step should only take 5-10 minutes.
  • Allow to cool before popping it all in the food processor.
  • If it is too thick add 1-2 tbs water.
  • Spread into a lined brownie tray and press down.
  • Sprinkle oats, coconut or sesame on top if you like.
  • Store in the fridge and allow to fully cool before cutting.
  • It can be stored in the freezer too!

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