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  • Posted by shruthi on April 12, 2024 at 3:01 pm

    I have a premature baby corrected age 5 months. Born 27 weeks and 2 days , had a 4 month NICU stay and was incubated for 8 weeks. He is now off oxygen. Around 3 months corrected age he suddenly stopped breast feeding and bottle feeding. I have never force fed him , not pressurized him in any way. All this just happened in 4 days. He did have reflux and is on with lansoprazole since last 4 months, ranitidine since last 2 months. He is on NG feeds. He also stopped taking his pacifier which he used to love before ! He still retches sometimes post NG feeds atleast once a day .he isn’t taking anything by mouth despite following the bottle Version protocol. He brings his hands to mouth, not sitting yet, head control is getting better.

    shruthi replied 5 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • shruthi

    April 12, 2024 at 3:04 pm

    Any suggestions to overcome this problem? Will be need a PEG, I am really worried about the procedure and longbterm issues. Is there any way I can avoid a PEG and still maintain his nutrition? He has had barium swallow in December when he was accepting feeds orally which showed a small risk of aspiration and he was on thickened feeds. Upper GI series didn’t show any fistula or abnormal esophagus.

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