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How To Introduce and Serve Peanuts

Let’s chat about introducing peanuts! Peanuts are actually not a nut, but a legume!  Nutrition: Peanuts are another nutrition powerhouse that ar…

How To Introduce and Serve Quinoa

Quinoa (said keen-wah) is often grouped into the grain family, but it is actually a seed, native to South America with a lovely nutty flavour. You …

How To Introduce Sesame

Sesame seeds are a wonderful food to include in your little one’s diet when starting solids. They are really easy to sprinkle on foods, add into …

How To Introduce and Serve Peas

A cheap and easy veggie to add into your little one’s diet when they start solids. Some parents worry that frozen vegetables aren’t as nutritio…

Reading Nutrition Labels

There are so many different messages on food packets these days, the ones targeted at kids will put absolutely anything on the packet to make them …